Am I an asshole for telling my 23 year old brother to get a job when he has a 2-year old son?

My brother and his girlfriend have a 2 year old together. He has been spending at least a night, sometimes two at our father's house instead of going home to his son. He'll crash anywhere between 10PM and midnight and doesn't typically leave until around 11 the following morning. One morning I went to our dad's to see him still in an old bedroom and ask why he wasn't either with his child, or out DoorDashing, his only source of income. His girlfriend works at Dunkin. He blew up at me and told me his kid and income were none of my business and to keep my distance for the foreseeable future. His girlfriend had no part in this conversation nor did I bring her up. She wasn't even at the house. Hours after he blew up at me and threatened to call the cops, I got a text from a number I didn't recognize, but the wording made me believe it was his girlfriend. She reiterated that their kid is fine with his mom and that my brother works hard day in and day out, which is bullshit because his only income is DoorDash and asking daddy for money, and much of that he spends on weed. Its been two monghs now and neither of them speak to me. Am I the asshole here for telling my brother to grow up?

Am I an asshole for telling my 23 year old brother to get a job when he has a 2-year old son?
Post Opinion