How can a grown female deal with social anxiety?


I hate having social anxiety I wish I rather had something else instead of that. All my life I was shy in school and with family members and even with my parents. In school I was always that shy girl that would be scared to talk out load. I don't know why I was born shy but I did get bullied in elementary all through high school bc of my appearance. I’ve always had a big nose and that has been a problem until now. I’m very insecure of my nose and being shy and having social anxiety doesn’t make it any better. I also have a history of having a broken family. My parents got divorce when I was 18 and I dealt with depression alone. I stayed with my dad and younger brother and after a few years my dad just decided to stopped working and was living in his own little bubble and we got evicted. .. then I was only in the position to go live alone and I’m in a room where someone renting. I get so much anxiety bc I live with 8 other people ( different rooms same bathroom and same kitchen. ) the lady knows my mom and I hate how she knows what happened to my dad. My dad became homeless after he got evicted. Basically lost everything and we all came to a conclusion that he is not mentally okay and he needs help but he doesn’t understand that.

i get really anxious around people especially when i talk to people that know my family bc I just hate when they ask how my family doing. I’m very sensitive with that topic. I guess I have a lot of trauma going on but I just want my social anxiety to go away and I don't know if that will ever happen

How can a grown female deal with social anxiety?
6 Opinion