Nothing is fun in this world anymore damn?

  • 1992: I was born
  • 1998: my dad was selling PS games so at a very early age I had PlayStation and Nes and had a chance to play best games in the world
  • But at my school and neighbourhood life I was bullied physically and mentally a lot
  • 2008: in my highschool I developed social anxiety, but had some different interests such as I made beats and rap songs, flash games, animations etc.
  • 2011: developed software and sold online via online marketing
  • 2019: my online jobs went terrible and all my life and youth years was so lonely
  • 2021: discovered tourism and hotel business, met people all over the world but still so lonely to this day 2024
  • Never got a single girlfriend in my entire life.
  • In the winter, still live with my parents home alone and watch YouTube videos and documentaries all day

At the age of 31, I am so lonely as fuck. So depressed and lost. Feels like i saw everything in life but it was all like a virtual digital life.

Nothing is fun in this world anymore damn?
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