When is the first time your parents actually realized you were an adult?

When is the first time your parents actually realized you were an adult?

For me I was like 22 and there was a hurricane coming to town, and my parents had just moved out of state, and I was living on my own for the first time outside of college. My parents told me they didn't want me being alone in the storm, which I agreed with, so I was going to drive 4 hours away to stay with my aunt. My mom freaked out---"how are you going to drive and not get lost (because I'd never driven for a road trip, let alone by myself)? How are you going to secure your house? How are you going to figure out this and that and that?" The amount of phone calls she made to me were a mile long, and I get it, it's your kid right, but at some point, I was just like, what are you going to do? You're there, I'm here, I'm handling it!

The day I left before the storm was to land in 2 days, I called before I left, and was under strict orders to keep calling her during my travels, but I just drove the whole way, no issues, and called her right when I got to my aunts. My mom was in shock (my dad knew I could do it just fine). When I drove back after the storm, my mom was again, freaking out---how will you do any repairs, how will you clean up if you're alone, how will you...on an on...I just texted her a picture after I was done sawing down the broken trees, and fixing a bit of my fence, and picking up the loads of debris in the yard, and for the first time in my life, it was like it clicked with her in her brain, that I got it. Don't need mommy and daddy to solve all my life's problems. I think the dynamics of our relationship definitely changed that week.

When is the first time your parents actually realized you were an adult?
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