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I used to have a yo-yo toy because I wasn't allowed a dog. I called it doggy and took it for walks wherever I went. Fast forward 25 years, I was lucky enough to been in the market for a puppy that is now called yo-yo.
My friend did but she was actually just talking to a ghost
As a child - no. But as an adult, it's fun to have an imaginary life coach.
I had a ghost friend 😊🙃 my parents thought she was an imaginary friend until i was playing in the pond behind the property one day and I said that's where Maggie died. They looked it up and it turned out a 6 year old girl called Margaret drowned in the pond 😞 very sad but I'm glad I got to spend a couple years laughing and playing with her. I hope she's found many other children to hang out with.
Literally the same thing happened to my friend. They think the imaginary girl was the little girl who died years ago..
She knew her name…
How old were you when she stopped coming around?
😲 are you guys serious?
Dead serious.. they say kids are more susceptible to seeing and communicating with spirits too
@On_cloud_wine I love it ❤️
@On_cloud_wine I was about 7/8 when I stopped seeing her
Pretty neat
Yes I actually had two the first was named Stacy and the second was named Princess peach or something like that
No, around here they put those kind of kids in the nuthouse
I had a couple. They went to school with me and came back home with me
Not that I can remember.
Yeah but I knew they ain't real
No, I didn't
What child hasn’t?
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