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Polls: Family & Friends

Would you sit on the rainbow bench?

A shopping centre in England has been criticised for installing rainbow buddy benches. The idea is by sitting on one, you're inviting people to sit next to you for a chat. Apparently not many people are using them, so...
A shopping centre in England has been criticised for installing rainbow buddy benches. The idea is by sitting on one, you're inviting people to sit next to you for a chat. Show More
Perhaps if they were a different colour
Sounds like a crusing spot
I don't like strangers talking to me
People here want to chat on any bench anyway
Great now I can target lonely people
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Should I stay in condo or move to hotel?

Should I stay in my expensive condo or move to a cheaper hotel, considering my uncertain future with my boyfriend and my desire to move Canada next year? “Please vote and leave comments below.” More details: Before, I was...
Should I stay in my expensive condo or move to a cheaper hotel, considering my uncertain future with my boyfriend and my desire to move Canada next year? “Please vote and leave Show More
Stay in Condo
Move to Hotel
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Getting a surprise sweet treat to eat
Petting an animal that seems to adore you
Getting an extra break during the day
Sharing a laugh with a friend
Finding a 4-leaf clover
A day of perfect weather
Finding a cool rock
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Guys, how would you feel if your 16 year old daughter told u she’s pregnant?

Like what would u want her to do and would u help her raise the baby. Bare in mind she’s gonna cut off her freedom big time
Like what would u want her to do and would u help her raise the baby. Bare in mind she’s gonna cut off her freedom big time Show More
She abort it
She keep
Her decision
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Be honest, would quadruplets be too much for you?

To all of you that either have a child and are planning another one or want to be parents one day, would this be too much for you? The girl is the one in pink and the boys are in green. How would the parents manage that?...
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My Easter was a disaster.
My Easter was about what I expected.
My Easter was everything I hoped it would be and more!
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Do you tend to value men or women's opinions more? Why?

I dislike that my boyfriend appears to ONLY value men’s opinions. Anything I or any other woman says to him goes in one ear and out the other. But let a guy say the same thing and he's all ears and ready to take the...
I dislike that my boyfriend appears to ONLY value men’s opinions. Anything I or any other woman says to him goes in one ear and out the other. But let a guy say the same thing and he's Show More
Men’s opinion/Male perspective
Women’s opinion/Female perspective
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What would you do if your 21-year-old daughter told you they are starting an OF account?

Your 21-year-old daughter tells you they want to make money on OF (Only Fans) and they are going to start an OF account, what would you do?
Your 21-year-old daughter tells you they want to make money on OF (Only Fans) and they are going to start an OF account, what would you do? Show More
Leave them to do as they please
Try to stop them from joining OF
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👶 at what age do you want kids (if you want them)👶?

if you already have some, at what age did you have your first? for me i think at earliest late 20s, but ideally more like later early 30s-mid 30s
if you already have some, at what age did you have your first? for me i think at earliest late 20s, but ideally more like later early 30s-mid 30s Show More
under 20
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Are you more of a listener or a talker?

In conversations would you say you talk or listen more? I find I listen a lot and don't really say much unless I need to, once I get to know the person I'm a bit more talkative, how about you? 😊
In conversations would you say you talk or listen more? I find I listen a lot and don't really say much unless I need to, once I get to know the person I'm a bit more talkative, how Show More
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I’m a blessing to them
I feel more of a burden
I don’t know tbh
Only they can answer that
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Sue her for harassment
Move and not tell her my address
Other (I’ll put in comments)
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Do u like ur relatives?

I hate my cousin and his family. They r just being problem and very brainless people, all of them. I got so angry at him that i imagined he is craving in pain as i crumpled the plastic bottle. Do u have some rituals like...
I hate my cousin and his family. They r just being problem and very brainless people, all of them. I got so angry at him that i imagined he is craving in pain as i crumpled the plastic Show More
No, i hate them.
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Do you think it's appropriate to bring a baby/toddler to a funeral?

One of my grandmother's died when I was two, so I don't have any memories of her or her passing. Apparently, I didn't go to her funeral because my dad didn't want me to go. I understand his reasons for not wanting me...
One of my grandmother's died when I was two, so I don't have any memories of her or her passing. Apparently, I didn't go to her funeral because my dad didn't want me to go. I Show More
I don't think babies/toddlers should be allowed at funerals
I don't mind babies/toddlers being at funerals
It depends on things
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That dude my momma makes me call uncle, eventhough he ain't related to us, and only comes over when pops not around 🤔
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Would you get in between an aggressive dog, wild animal or monster to save your child?

If an aggressive animal or monster was heading towards your child's direction, would you get in between? This means accepting you're literally dead meat. 100% chance your child is saved but 80-90% chance you'll die. If...
If an aggressive animal or monster was heading towards your child's direction, would you get in between? This means accepting you're literally dead meat. 100% chance your child is Show More
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Would you look down on a single mother who has 3 kids and is only 25 years old herself?

I read on a forum about a 25 year old female who has 3 kids which she is raising herself as a single mother She’s also 25 years old Am I the only one that finds that gross 😂
I read on a forum about a 25 year old female who has 3 kids which she is raising herself as a single mother She’s also 25 years old Am I the only one that finds that gross 😂 Show More
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Are many unremorseful bullies actually narcissists?

They are typically the ones that grow up to be successful (even get married and have kids), moved on as if nothing ever happened and never once reached out to their former victims of their bullies. In fact, in you even...
They are typically the ones that grow up to be successful (even get married and have kids), moved on as if nothing ever happened and never once reached out to their former victims of Show More
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How many have a family member or sibling who has a toxic 2 faced boss?

Usually a women who is the worst to all but her select few who she kinda likes while stabbing every one else in the back. Bringing down her entire department but being nice and fun to the men above her. My sister and me...
Usually a women who is the worst to all but her select few who she kinda likes while stabbing every one else in the back. Bringing down her entire department but being nice and fun to Show More
So do
Not me
My family member
My sibling
Like my boss
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Is this a bad list of baby names?

Vote on a favorite if you'd like. I'd like these all for my kids, but my husband doesn't like a few of them. Do any sound bad?
Vote on a favorite if you'd like. I'd like these all for my kids, but my husband doesn't like a few of them. Do any sound bad? Show More
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