Should I stay in condo or move to hotel?


Should I stay in my expensive condo or move to a cheaper hotel, considering my uncertain future with my boyfriend and my desire to move Canada next year? “Please vote and leave comments below.”

More details:

Before, I was homeless, unable to afford a place. Now, with a better income, I live in a condo. Despite the expense of 1500 rent. I'm content because it's close to work. However, my job is affecting my mental health, and the country's racism makes it hard to belong. My brain and body is already asking me to find a new job. In Malaysia I work, I felt lonely really lonely until I met Hamzah, with whom he become my boyfriend for over a year. But, he is returning to Iraq after his PhD on August this year. I felt afraid if ever he will come back as he is also clueless of his future.

I'm torn between staying in my current condo or moving to a cheaper hotel as my contract ends this May. Should I stay or move considering my uncertain future and desire to move to Canada?

If I stay in condo I can only save 2500 with strict discipline and in hotel I can save 2900. 400 difference per month.

Stay in Condo
Move to Hotel
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24 d
Hotel monthly rent - 1029
Condo monthly rent - 1500
Should I stay in condo or move to hotel?
2 Opinion