Some of the Most Annoying Parts of Women's Clothing

There are just some things about fashion that are soooo annoying...and yet we continue to wear them as if they aren't. Beauty is pain they say. And they're right!

Some of the Most Annoying Part's of Women's Clothing

1. Sequin dresses and tops

Hello sequin dress or top, meet armpit. Yes, let's take sandpaper and just rub it into our armpit all night long, but dang it if the outfit isn't so sparkly and cute and pretty and shiny. If only you could stop chaffing and bleeding all over it.

Some of the Most Annoying Parts of Women's Clothing

2. Flip Flops

The standard flip flop has many many enemies: sand, mud, snow, rain, puddles, gravel foot paths, food spillage, stubbing toes, long walks, ankle sock tans, silent rooms, people stepping on the backs of them, formal events, working out, toe chaffing, bad manicures, longevity.

Some of the Most Annoying Parts of Women's Clothing

3. The Feather Dress

Do you feel like Big Bird's sexy cousin from out of town, sure, but you're also molting (aka shedding), which isn't the best look. It helps if you have a quality dress and not some cheap internet knock off, but you're going to lose some of this stuff somewhere in route to wherever you're going.

Some of the Most Annoying Parts of Women's Clothing

4. The strapless dress

Big boobed girls definitely understand this one, but it can happen to anyone of us. You start off with the dress sitting right where it's supposed to, and then it starts slipping lower and lower and you have to tug at it higher and long. If you're at an event, you have to keep reminding yourself to pull it up before the pictures are taken that may haunt your dreams. Add to that, if you have a strapless bra that's doing the same = nightmare.

Some of the Most Annoying Parts of Women's Clothing

5. Overalls and jumpsuits

Using the Bathroom and/or being on your period whilst wearing them. Really annoying when you have to basically undress to address either situation.

Some of the Most Annoying Parts of Women's Clothing

6. Bodycon dresses

No matter your size, they always roll up and you have to roll them or smooth them back down, and if they are mini skirt length to begin with, you have to be really careful sitting down or getting up.

Some of the Most Annoying Parts of Women's Clothing

7. Pocketless pants

I, and every designer, could make a case for the dress in number 6 not needing pockets because a big bulky pocket would ruin the line of the dress, but we have come to expect that pants and shorts should naturally have pockets. They tend to be worn less formally most of the time anyway, so WHY THE HELL are there so many pants and jeans without pockets. It is literally the most infuriating thing to reach down to put something there and forget, you don't have a pocket...and yes, we know, we have purses, but do you carry your purse around with you around the office or classroom. NO. And please don't insult us with the "fake" pocket. It looks like a pocket, but it's sewn up and serves no purpose.

Some of the Most Annoying Parts of Women's Clothing

8. The high heel

If one of your first couple of thoughts when looking at those shoes she seriously walking on coblestones...then you KNOW the pain of it all. High heels can do wonders for our look, our height, our confidence, but truly the higher you go, the more you suffer for those benefits. Any part of this shoe can go wrong and leave you in a world of pain. Not enough foot cushioning, straps too tight/not tight enough, toe strap too tight, blisters, foot exhaustion, not enough toe room, chaffing, or just darn painful to walk in. ARG!

Some of the Most Annoying Parts of Women's Clothing
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