The Power of Makeup

We like women without Makeup


Some do, some don't. Many women complain that men say they like a natural look, but to achieve that natural look can take lots of work. Other men genuinely like no or minimal makeup. It often seems women enjoy makeup more than men, but there's a very wide range.

What are you trying to achieve by putting stuff on your face? To look pretty for him? For yourself? For some random strangers on the internet?


But honestly, every woman uses make up for different reasons, some want to hide their ACNE, some do it because they feel insecure, some do it because they want to add that EXTRA EXTRA to their already pretty face, some just want more attention, and some do it because others do it (especially teenagers).

But most Women LOVE that confidence that Make -up gives them.

But how much is TOO MUCH?

The Power of Makeup

Is there a limit?

According to me less is more. Definitely. You don't want to overdo it. If you don't exude beauty from within, no amount of makeup will be able to cover that up.

You can look amazing with just a KICK ASS red lipstick while being comfortable in your own skin.

What men usually mean is : YES to makeup - but use it ECONOMICALLY !!

The Power of Makeup

Trust me, some of us are really good at hiding those pimples that MEN would not even realize that we put make-up on.. SO WHY don't we just cover up those little "imperfections" to our perfect face, without adding too much, and TRY this for a whole week, and see what happens ...

The Power of Makeup

OK NOT EVERYTHING, we should just try to get rid of strong colors like DEEP green,pink,purple,black,orange,red eye shadows, all that EXTRA white stuff, powders and 5 types of foundations, fake eyelashes, and other stuff that makes you SOMETHING but not SOMEONE ...

The Power of Makeup

SO basically just a little bit of eyeliner !!

The Power of Makeup

Just little bit of highlighter and a little bit of foundation but VERY LITTLE without all the concealer thingies.

The Power of Makeup


The Power of Makeup

SOME NICE LIPSTICK (not green or blue just some natural colors)

The Power of Makeup


The Power of Makeup

I think by doing this, you get really close to natural looks, without looking exaggerated, and without spending all that money on different products, i mean why should i buy 4 different things just to cover an eyelid, you obviously save Time and Money, and PLUS men will stop nagging that we look like cake faces :)

Remember Ladies.


The Power of Makeup

Natural looks ROCK so go get some NUDE palettes and NUDE colors for your amazing face <3

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The Power of Makeup
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