Heatless Hairstyles

We've all been through that time of morning where you wake up late and have no time to straighten your hair or curl it. Here are 2 tips you can try!

Heatless Hairstyles

- Simple Plait/Braid to bed

This is one of the most easiest ones for when you are a person that always seems to be late and never have the time to do your hair! Although this can somewhat be quite uncomfortable if you braid it certain ways, but one of the upsides is that when you wake up you just undo the hair and it's pretty much done!

Heatless Hairstyles

- Messy Bun

This is always my go to one, and a very common known one that I don't think I need to expand on.

Heatless Hairstyles

- Natural

Sometimes you should just try your natural hair, just give it a comb and some hairspray, if it really does annoy you throughout the day maybe team it up with a headband or just ponytail it!

Heatless Hairstyles

Hope you enjoy this quick & short MyTake!

Heatless Hairstyles
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