The Tongue is the Seat of Facial Beauty...Wait. What?

Ladies and gentlemen,

This is for the people who are less fortunate when it comes to facial aesthetics, for the people who are considering surgery, for the people who don't fit the beauty standards, for the people who wish for different facial features. This is for you. Read carefully what I'm going to tell you. This might benefit you to a great extent. This is all about improvement.

Now, even when I'm a big believer that everyone is beautiful in their own way, I still can't deny the beauty norms, because what's biologically programmed is hard to change. Of course there are preferences, but the standards are still undeniable.

So what's wrong with me that I mention the tongue? How so is it the seat of facial beauty? Am I okay? Yes, I'm totally fine, thanks. The fact that the tongue plays a major role in your facial attractiveness isn't mentioned often. You know why? They want you to waste your money on surgery. You want a jawline like Johnny Depp/Angelina Jolie? Go get surgery. You want higher cheekbones? Go get surgery. It's a shame how it's so normalised, while there is a natural way to improve your facial features. + Those surgeries never give you the ideal face structure you exactly wanted.

The Tongue is the Seat of Facial Beauty...Wait. What?

I don't even know where to start, honestly. This unknown subject is so big, and it makes a person go from a 4 to an 8. Let me start with my personal experiences, and how I discovered all of this (I'll reveal later on what I exactly mean). I had a discussion with a couple of friends about the dentist. It went about: exactly, teeth. We moved quickly to the subject jawline, because one of my friends asked an interesting question, namely: ´´Do you guys think braces could change the jawline structure since it's a big force on your teeth?´ We had a small talk about it, and then it came up in my mind that if braces are considered a big force on the teeth which could basically change the structure of the jawline, then what about the tongue? A very strong muscle, would it affect the jawline? I researched it, and not only does it affect your jawline, but it affects your whole skull (from the upfront).

The Tongue is the Seat of Facial Beauty...Wait. What?

Those models you see, in the most cases they're naturally that beautiful. How? Is it really just genetics and hormones? The answer is no. Of course both have an influence, genetics give you the basics (such as color, form, shape etc), hormones turn it into work ((high) estrogen -> (extra) feminine, (high) testosterone -> (extra) masculine), but ultimately it´s the tongue which decides your attractiveness. I've seen videos of a few former models who explain how they get the jawline. It's very simple, it's natural. One of those models researched it just like I did for his own interest, and he came to the same conclusion as I did. My jawline is pretty defined, and I have prominent high cheekbones as well. My secret, and the model's secret?:

The Tongue is the Seat of Facial Beauty...Wait. What?

If you're interested in the former model's video (Girls, he is handsome, I've warned you):

As you can see, it's the lower part (his jaw) which made him really handsome (place your hand on his face, and see), and just as he mentions in the video: it's all about placing your tongue on the right place.

But isn't a defined jawline masculine?

No, it's not. Look at these two examples, girls:

The Tongue is the Seat of Facial Beauty...Wait. What?
The Tongue is the Seat of Facial Beauty...Wait. What?

Your face stays feminine, and narrow, I mean have you seen the defined jawline of a male?

The Tongue is the Seat of Facial Beauty...Wait. What?

You'll never achieve this kind of jawline (since the male skull differs from the female skull), don´t worry.

Also chewing a lot of gum is recommended, it strengthens your muscles there., and the way we chew our food needs improvement though lol. (For more information watch the videos of Dr. Mike Mew)

Sure, placing/pressing your tongue against the palate might feel uncomfortable at the beginning, I could totally imagine that, but once you get used to that way, you'll also notice that your face changes (note that it takes time), and it will be a habit to place your tongue against your palate.

Note that placing your tongue against the palate is actually the natural way. Every image you get to see of the side profile is with the tongue against the palate.

The Tongue is the Seat of Facial Beauty...Wait. What?

For more information about this (I´m actually too lazy to type it all out) :

Thank me later!

The Tongue is the Seat of Facial Beauty...Wait. What?
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