8 Beauty Trends I will Never Understand


1) Obvious fake eyebrows

8 Beauty Trends I will Never Understand

Why do people opt for eyebrows that look hella unnatural. C'mon, a few light strokes would do the trick or illusion, wouldn't it?

2) Goldfish lips

8 Beauty Trends I will Never Understand

What's the purpose of such protruding lips with lip liner? I can't for the life of me grasp why this trend is very popular nowadays. If I have to choose the better lips in the picture above, I would go for the bottom right. Natural beats fake ones. Gosh, don't even mention Kylie's lips. It's saddening that many girls these days feel the need to abide by society's beauty standards and go under the knife - spending lots of money on lip injections. Remember girls, authentic beauty is on the inside. More importantly, outer beauty will fade one day. Don't dwell too much on your looks. Read, learn, grow wiser each passing day. I promise you'll be so much happier. Knowledge is power

3. Bleached Blonde

8 Beauty Trends I will Never Understand

Don't get me wrong, bleached blond can be really cool. But once the dark roots start to show, I think it just looks hella messy and tragic.

4. Nails

8 Beauty Trends I will Never Understand
Apart from the obvious aesthetic appeal of those nail polish designs, what's with the pointy shape? If you know, you can explain for me. Maybe I'm just ignorant.

5. Super thick eyelashes

8 Beauty Trends I will Never Understand

This one in particular looks like an overused mop brush to me. But who am I to judge?

6. Super tight corsets

8 Beauty Trends I will Never Understand

I swear I will never ever understand how this is supposed to be APPEALING to the eyes. My stomach's just... screaming in horror.

7. Coloured armpit hair

8 Beauty Trends I will Never Understand

I don't mind if women have armpit hair. You do you. But I'll never get the appeal of coloured armpit hair. Looks like you plucked the feathers of some chicken, dipped them in blue dye and pasted it on the armpits with your saliva.

8. Sharp V chin shape

8 Beauty Trends I will Never Understand

I once stumbled upon a girl's instagram who had this exact chin shape from surgery. Needless to say, I was pretty horrified. Scrolled down to the comments and was surprised to see that no one was pointing out anything regarding her chin. In fact, every one was complimenting her.

♡ Disclaimer:

- Yes, some of you may be upset with me. I'm not going to be all like "Haters gonna hate" as I respect your opinions. I have made this article not to criticise severely people with such looks. I don't hate them, neither do I think they are ugly. I just will never get the appeal of some of their features. Yes, I get that everyone is different. Everyone is their own individual. One is allowed to feel confident in their own definition of beauty but I wish some of them would not blatantly alter their look just because societal standards said so. Anyway, this article is more based on my personal opinions and hence subjective. However, feel free to criticise my opinions as I can deal with that. Have a wonderful day, everyone!

8 Beauty Trends I will Never Understand
73 Opinion