Helping women understand how men view the "Body Positivity" movement.

This KING deserves a bad bitch!
This KING deserves a bad bitch!

The body positivity/healthy at every size/fat acceptance movement exists solely to shame men for desiring fit women, and does absolutely nothing to benefit men. This is proven by the fact that they will put an obese woman on the cover of SI Swimsuit Edition but they won't put an obese man on the cover of Men's Health. The problem is men cannot be shamed into finding something beautiful, and physical beauty is far more important to men than women. So I have an analogy that can help women understand how men feel about this:

Imagine there is a Broke Positivity Movement. This movement is about celebrating men who didn't work, lived in their parents' basements, got high all day, and lived off of Doritos and Mountain Dew. These men are KINGS and they deserve bad bitches! If you dare shame or disparage these men in any way it's because you are a brokephobic bigot! There is absolutely nothing wrong with these fine men, they are just living their best lives!

Sounds ridiculous, doesn't it? That's how body positivity sounds to men.

Helping women understand how men view the "Body Positivity" movement.
18 Opinion