Which of these outfits of vests, short shorts/bummies and/or crop tops do you think most matches in a fashion sense?

I listed the 5 wearing sports gear first but all 7 may be voted on. I'm not asking anything in any sexualized sense. I'm simply asking which outfit matches the most. Please only vote on the outfit alone. This is all about fashion only.

I know you may be wondering what bummies are. They are simply shorts for children and usually for girls, ideally toddlers but women and teen girls can wear them also. Yes, only 1 of the 7 is wearing a cap. Didn't plan it that way.

Honestly, I think all of them match but went with B, C and G being the 3 that most matches. I would likely pick G over them all.

Males: Do you think this fashion for females is of recent times like within last 50 years or was it worn prior to 1970?

Females: Did you wear clothes like any of these during your life? If so, when did you start and which ones? Name all that apply. Doesn't have to be of same color or teams. Just if similar.

Please share your views on all 7 of these in order!
New York Yankees gear and black pants
Pittsburgh Steelers gear with short shorts
Pittsburgh Pirates gear with short shorts
Pittsburgh Pirates gear with bummies
Texas Rangers gear with bummies
Black socks and short shorts on
Denim cropped vest and short shorts
Select gender and age to cast your vote:
Which of these outfits of vests, short shorts/bummies and/or crop tops do you think most matches in a fashion sense?
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