Is being attached to a certain crystal bad (black tourmaline ) 🪨 ?

About a year ago on my birthday I went to a stone store and bought 2 pendants my birth stone Amethyst and a black tourmaline. I had no idea what a black tourmaline was used for but it caught my attention because it was black, I then read what it was for like , absorbing bad energy and a lot more. Well I been using my black tourmaline necklace almost every day I feel so attached to it. It just makes my day go smoother and calmer. Especially from a person that goes through a lot of anxiety. I caught myself switching up necklaces. Maybe one day I wany wear a nice cute necklace and I remove my black tourmaline and It’s always those days that I have the worst days and worst anxiety. And is until the night I realize I wasn’t wearing my stone. So is not like I’m aware during the day. So is it possible my stone is really working for me? Is it bad to be attached? 🤔
Is being attached to a certain crystal bad (black tourmaline ) 🪨 ?
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