How did you decide to get laser hair free (laser hair removal) to your butt and your front private parts?

I for one, if I was sexually active and dating, I would totally want to impress my woman (and also doing it for me) to get laser hair removal, full front and full back private parts, because I like the modern feel of being smooth smooth smooth. To me, I'd enjoy the price.

At my boyfriend's suggestion
At my own desire
For sports competitions like swimming and/or similar
No I prefer waxing at salons, not lasering at salons
No I just shave myself
I don't and don't plan to (answer below) 👇
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1 y
Great things come to those who wait, I'm enjoying results and answers this far so far 🥴🥴🥴
How did you decide to get laser hair free (laser hair removal) to your butt and your front private parts?
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