Does anyone else has such rare and weird thing going on with them or is it only me?

I have weird thing going on.
My skin is clear I never had acne or any acne scar , marks. The only issue I have is it gets dull and I have dark circles other than that I never had any issue with my skin. I m one of those people who never had severe acne. One or two sometimes that's all. I just got 20.
8 months ago I brought a kitten. She was very naughty I love her a lot. I took care of her like a princess. But as every cat she used to bite and scratch me all the time in the start (now she is very lovey dovey and calm rarely does such thing ) . I didn't pay much attention but one day looking at the mirror I saw I had scars from her bites from my ear lobe to jawline (not on cheeks so not very visible) .
I never had any issue with my skin so I freak out.
Then I noticed a weird thing my cat wasn't biting me. She was just being lovey dovey. But even if her teeth brushed a little lovingly with my skin ( put a very little pressure on your skin with your nail a line will be formed but it will disappear soon ) her teeth Only put this much pressure on my face. But i would see a little hole on my skin and sometimes a scar which will not go away and keep getting deeper. The thing is the skin hasn't been cut , didn't even inflamed or got red it was as minor as I said the example of nail. Then why it leaves a scar? Just like this I have 15 scars on my face area. I m so scared. What's going on with me? How much I should save my skin if it's that easy for me to get a scar? I always had best skin and now this is happening I m going in depression please help if you can. I searched on all internet it says scar only forms with acne or cuts, injury. I didn't have any of it then why it's happening.
Does anyone else has such rare and weird thing going on with them or is it only me?
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