Girls, Tats or No Tats on a Woman?

Girls, Tats or No Tats on a Woman?

We asked guys if they like tattoos on a woman, and they overwhelmingly voted that they don't like tattoos on a woman. Details here: Guys, Tats or No Tats on a Woman?

So, Girls, this question is for you...

Do you like tattoos on a woman? Do you have any tattoos?

Please vote in the poll and add an opinion if you want.

I LIKE tattoos on a woman, I HAVE some tattoos
I LIKE tattoos on a woman, I DON'T HAVE any tattoos
I DON'T LIKE tattoos and a woman, I HAVE some tattoos
I DON'T LIKE tattoos on a woman, I DON'T HAVE any tattoos
DEPENDS- please explain
Select gender and age to cast your vote:
5 mo
If you want to see what guys think about tats, check this out...
Guys, Tats or No Tats on a Woman? ↗
Girls, Tats or No Tats on a Woman?
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