Do you like straight (straightened) or curly (curled) hair?

I had my hair straightened for my Christmas picture after it was colored. The picture I posted in Nov. was one that my boyfriend took when it was natural ( a little curl). I was able to locate a pic. that my boyfriend took year before last when I had my hair straightened and highlighted with a streak over the gray. I know that straight hair was in, but hear slightly curly hair is making a comeback. Women feel free to comment on this one as well because I want to know what is in style. Especially if you are fashion forward. Thanks.

Naturally Curly or Curled
Straightened or Naturally Straight
It just depends on the individual.
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4 d
I realize that the first one is just wavy, which is a style. I guess the bigger question is straight, wavy, or curled.
Do you like straight (straightened) or curly (curled) hair?
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