Why do girls prefer tall guys?

Honestly. I am confused. To me, being a guy who is 5'5 1/2", I do not mind dating a taller woman. It wouldn't bother me one bit.

I find it hilarious at the amount of girls who think that a taller guy can "protect them", or that it makes them feel more protected. Um, last I checked, our ancient ancestors were very short (around 5'0) and they were stronger than today's modern top body builders. Oh, and quicker too.

My question is: Why does a girl feel like a tall man can defend them more than a built, short guy? Like me, I weigh 200 lbs at 24% body fat (shorter guy). I've never had a huge problem personally, however, I have noticed a lot of girls with tall, lanky guys who would probably get crushed by a guy of my strength and stature. Frankly, I think shorter guys are much more tougher than the taller ones, physically.

Why do girls prefer tall guys when the tall guy obviously can't protect them any more/less than a shorter guy? LOL.
Why do girls prefer tall guys?
13 Opinion