Why do girls want tall guys?



I myself have never understood this. I'm a 5'7 (170 cm) tall girl and have never cared about height in the slightest. All I care for is convinience, by which I mean that neither I nor my boyfriend have to crack our necks to meet at eye level. Even my best friend (who is barely 5'2) has said that anything taller than 5'8 would be impossibly awkward for both her and her partner. I completely understand her reasoning, considering that I am already significantly taller than her. I also have a 7' friend who I can thank for having a permanent arch in my neck, and I don't even want to imagine the horror having to climb him like a cherry tree to meet his face for a brief peck.

So what is behind the fascination and often obsession over taller men? I see that tall women would prefer such men for comfortability, but considering those who are of a significantly smaller stature; wouldn't the clear majority of males overpower them in height, even if the men were themselves slighty under average? I would personally never even dream of addressing a 5'8 male as short, even if I am only an inch inferior to him. In fact, he would be of a very agreeable height.

Is this simply a cultural thing? I have never heard of height being discussed when concerning attractiveness in my country. People seem much more fixated on mutual interests, scents and facial feautures than height...
Just to be clear, I am not questioning your preferences. I am simply trying to understand them.
Why do girls want tall guys?
12 Opinion