6 Flirting Mistakes We Constantly Make


1) Giggling

6 Flirting Mistakes We Constantly Make

We all melt when a man has a great sense of humor. Giggling can be charming sometimes but it can quickly become annoying!

2) Drinking too much

6 Flirting Mistakes We Constantly Make

If you know that you don't have a great alcohol tolerance, don't drink too much. Know your limits! You shouldn't count on it to feel less nervous.

3) Staring

6 Flirting Mistakes We Constantly Make

You're so absorbed in the conversation, that you start to open your eyes as if they were going out of their orbit. There are more attractive ways to show your interest!

4) Pretending to like something to impress him/her

6 Flirting Mistakes We Constantly Make

It's difficult (and useless) to pretend to like a sport or any other thing that you've never heard of, like tchoukball or seepak takraw, for example.

5) Pretending to not be interested

6 Flirting Mistakes We Constantly Make

The best flirting technique is to act like an inaccessible person? WRONG! While making it clear that you're not needy or clingy, you have to show a minimum of interest especially if you want to see him/her again.

6) Lying to look cool

6 Flirting Mistakes We Constantly Make

When we meet someone, we always want to impress him/her. But be yourself! It would be a shame to build a relationship on false impressions, right?

6 Flirting Mistakes We Constantly Make
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