Double Texting: Desperation or Dedication?

Double Texting: Desperation or Dedication?

So you're texting someone you're interested in and it's going great, they reply quickly and seem pretty interested. They ask a question and you're excited to answer but quickly stop yourself because you realize you almost DOUBLE TEXTED!! But...wait. You were fine with the other person double texting. It made you feel heard and you could tell the person really wanted to talk to you. So what's the deal now? Why is it so taboo to double text or reply quickly??

Double Texting: Desperation or Dedication?

We like it when the other person does it. We feel validated.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, it's a bit ridiculous. I just don't understand why we're afraid to show someone we are approachable; we're so into them in that moment. Just as you want to feel validated and heard, so does the person on the other end of the conversation. Why is it desperate to carry on a fluid conversation with someone? How else can you tell if it's going anywhere? I mean if you're taking 20-30 min for every reply (and that may be a bit much) and I haven't talked to you before so I don't actually know if you're busy or a bad texter, then I'm gonna assume you just aren't interested in me or this conversation.

Thank you for coming to my TED talk

Double Texting: Desperation or Dedication?

#flirting #texting #doubletexting #desperate #newyork

Double Texting: Desperation or Dedication?
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