I feel like I accidentally offended my crush and I want to fix it?

So my crush finally came up and talked to me because he saw me sitting in the hallway studying. He told me he was going to study with me, moved my book bag from beside me, and sat really close to me.
We started studying some vocab and eventually he asked to quiz me. Afterwards, I said I wanted to quiz him.
I know he has this self-conscious thing with his breath for some reason and when I said I was going to quiz him I moved away from him and faced him and he got nervous. I feel like since we were so close and I scooted away, he got the vibe that I didn't want to be near him (I was nervous being that close to him for the first time)
Do you think he'll continue to talk to me or do you think he's done? What should I doooo
I feel like I accidentally offended my crush and I want to fix it?
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