Laughter is an aphrodisiac, do guys like it if he can make a girl giggly?

A guy who can make me laugh turns me on. This guy I dated knows just how to make me giggle and laugh a lot. Many guys can't do that. The way he does it is by acting confident and teasing me without being mean. Like play teasing. He also has a smooth tongue I tell him he is a smooth talker. Last night we were face timing and flirting and he made me laugh and giggle so much. I can be very serious so it's hard for me to get in that zone. He was smiling a lot too. Think he likes it/me? Is this a good sign?
+1 y
Do you think he likes me based on what I said above?
Laughter is an aphrodisiac, do guys like it if he can make a girl giggly?
6 Opinion