What Does It Mean When a Lesbian Calls You 'Hun'? Was She Hitting On Me?

I'm 25, female-bodied, gender-fluid identifying and somewhat bisexual. I have been dealing with social anxiety for many years now and more recently generalized anxiety. I have fairly low self-esteem (a people-pleaser who often doesn't feel worthy of certain people or good enough at anything). When things get really bad I can be prone to bouts of depression. As you can probably guess I've never dated, been in a relationship, and never been in love.

I own a video game store with my sister and today at work I was rocking my tomboy attire and my rainbow bracelet when an androgynous, attractive female came in with her family. My sister was at the register desk and I sat next to my sis, while the attractive stranger, her little brother and her mom looked around the store. She greeted my sister, then at some point the girl came over to me, I was on my laptop not paying attention and she sort of leaned over me.

Then she said, "Hey hun, I like your hat. Can I see it?"

Surprised I looked up, she was smiling a lot. I took off my hat and showed it to her.

Her: "Where did you get it?"

Me: "Urban Planet. It was only 6 bucks. I like your hat too by the way, especially the leather front."

She was took off her own cap, smiling and said: "Thanks! You can get these ones at *insert name of store*"

Was she flirting with me or just being friendly?
What Does It Mean When a Lesbian Calls You 'Hun'? Was She Hitting On Me?
1 Opinion