How do you go from flirting to dating?

So I like this guy and he likes me. I've made it known I like him and he's made it known he likes me. I know his friends, he knows mine and we've hung out on several occasions. I just got back from a four day weekend and he gave me like the worlds longest hug and told me how he missed me and such. He's even asked me the "hypothetical" question of 'So if I asked you out what would you say?'.

I've known this guy for about four months and this has been going on for like three, it's no secret I want to date him. I don't want to leave things alone but I don't know what to do either. How do you go from flirting everyday friends to a dating couple? Do I bring up and talk to him about it? Or...I'm confused. Help.
How do you go from flirting to dating?
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