Have you ever flirted with someone at the gym?

As the saying goes "shut up & lift" I've been a gym goer for many years now. And I heard countless times that girls hate their personal bubble being fucked with by guys... lol

I have actually flirted with girls in the past but I typically keep my distance and do what I gotta do and get out. Then you have the occasional creepers that try to inch their way closer to the baddest females in the place when they REALLY don't care about what guy is checking her out... unless it's like Chris Hemsworth or some shit.

Needless to say, I noticed that it's typically a good sign a girl likes you or thinks a guy in the gym is cute if she keeps looking at him, but that might just be an overlooked theory of mine. What are your thoughts?
Have you ever flirted with someone at the gym?
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