Why would this 12 year old kid try to slap my ass when he's JUST a kid? Where are his parents?

So earlier when i was at a work, i work a retail job by the way, this boy was asking about sweatshirts and i showed him where they were and he was like oh okay cool and then he kept staring at me and looking at my butt and as i was walking he tried to slap my butt and i said excuse me? What are you doing? He said oh you just have a nice ass can i hit that? I said UM no way you are a kid and im a 23 year old woman! Thats something called illegal and inaprorpiate and he said my bad but i can't help it. Then i literally ran off because i didn't want anyone to assume i tried to intiate this but damn it was awkward as heck!!! I know boys are boys but didn't his parents say a thing or two?
Why would this 12 year old kid try to slap my ass when he's JUST a kid? Where are his parents?
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