I like talking everyday! Even if just a hey how's you? I don't talk to *everyone* everyday. But most of time if someone messages me I will message back. Especially if I'm really interested in them or balue their opinions. And I at least explain why I won't be about for a bit if I'm not.
- 1 mo
It's unrealistic. You might like to text every day, and so do a lot of other people. But not everyone does. Some people even hate texting.
With me, it's not even possible to text because I have nothing to text with. However I used to do a lot of instant messaging. The time commitment became too much. It's not just the total time, but the expectation that I answer any message that happens to come in.
I miss the days of actual phone calls when I could just ignore it if I didn't feel like talking. Whoever called will never know if I was home or heard the phone ring.
10 Reply
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If you both are trying to build a relationship then absolutely not.
Also don't women love to wake up to goodmorning messages because she knows your thinking of her especially if it's the first thing he does when he wakes up?01 Reply
In the beginning of a relationship usually people can text each other everyday, however, this isn't something that's sustainable. If this is a married couple then it makes more sense that they would talk to each other every day. Unmarried couples or people in uncommitted relationships generally would text each other every so often occasionally or maybe just every few days, especially if the matter is not urgent.
00 Reply
- 1 mo
Relationship yes. Family and friends nope! My best friend since I was 10 we dont talk every day and there are times when we take days or even a week to get back to a DM unless this 🚨 is at the beginning then it's an respond NOW message. I don't have the energy to talk every day.
10 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
I honestly hate texting , but do it to accommodate my partner. I think it takes away from having personal space, and people’s expectations for texting are just super unrealistic.
10 ReplyOnly if you are in a serious relationship with someone, then yes you should be hearing from them every day , but if it’s just friends? Then no ,
20 Reply- 1 mo
I could never commit to that or put up with that … a text is always a low priority throwaway communication. I pay as much attention to texts as I do my email “junk” folder generally. I call , FaceTime , speak face to face the people in my life. If I receive texts more than a few words I loose interest and delete them. I have trained the people well in my life , they n kw not to bother with texts. They prove useful if I’m in my way to meet someone and I send a quick text through car play when I’m driving or share my location but that’s it.
10 Reply - 1 mo
I don’t care to text but if I’m dating someone, talking on the phone at least once a day is a must unless you’re on a plane/ship or at work but even then it wouldn’t be “all day”. If people care to talk to you, they can find a way/make time to talk
10 Reply In my opinion, no; in fact, if they don't text me daily, I start to wonder if they really care about our relationship. I'm very devoted to my lover.
12 ReplyI'm not an everyday texter. My family and friends know this about me and I'm up front about it in relationships. I just don't do the small talk in texts. I'd rather call someone even if it's just for a few minutes.
13 Reply- 1 mo
Haha I know. I'm a receptionist too. But I had a big phobia of phone calls when younger. My job is helping but calls are very standard. I bet I will be fine. Just depends if the guy is a good talker too. If there's an awkward moment of silence it throws me right off. Your right about texts tho!!! I've totally overreacted to comments then later reread them in a different tone and felt sorry for the guy and how i reacted!
If it's a physical possibility, then it's not unrealistic. However, it does become less probable depending on certain factors. With age, I notice that I don't prefer to speak to people everyday. I like to tune in whenever I feel up for it.
00 ReplyMaybe a little unreasonable. Things happen. If he misses a day, he'd be smart to explain why the next day.
But, I always message back, too. At the very least I'll say "I can't text now, catch you this evening." Or whatever...
00 ReplyIt's unrealistic unless you're in a relationship or work together. Family and friends are more of a weekly, or a couple times a week, kind of text relationship.
03 ReplyI think it is unrealistic. If I am on vacation, have a family thing to do or anything like that, I might not be texting a boyfriend or friends daily.
02 Reply- 1 mo
Is not Unrealistic, but if the other person works in a "environment" that "doesn't allow him" to be on his phone very often, then he could jeopardise his job because of it...🤷‍♂️
00 Reply 1.2K opinions shared on Flirting topic. I don't text period. If you are so dysfunctional you can't actually talk to people, leave me alone.
10 ReplyNo. I’m a busy person but I’ll always find a few minutes here and there to talk. I could be on the train, walking to work, in the supermarket, etc.
00 Reply- 1 mo
we usually inform each other if we can't be online... life doesn't warn about unexpected events :D
00 Reply - 1 mo
Maybe a little, sometimes career/jobs and other priorities take up the person's time too, so they can't text everyday.
00 Reply I'm big on communication, so absolutely not.
10 Reply- 1 mo
Those phones work both ways. If you want to talk, you should send the first text.
03 Reply- 1 mo
guys catch all kinds of shit for messaging too
- 1 mo
I’m with you…. Someone who I am interested in I want to hear from them everyday if possible.
00 Reply Usually if it's a close friend. Having said that, some friends I only catch up with once a month.
00 Reply300 opinions shared on Flirting topic. It's unrealistic as fuck, unfortunately. Even my best friends aren't inclined to talk everyday. Strangers don't even respond unless I have something they want.
00 Reply- 1 mo
I used to think texting your close friends everyday was fine until now.
00 Reply - 1 mo
I think it is the bare minimum if you are into a person. Not at all times of the day, but at least a "Hi, how was your day?" or something
00 Reply - 1 mo
you should if you are in a serious relationship... other than that, it shouldn't be demanded in my opinion
00 Reply it isn’t unrealistic, it’s pretty easy to text every day for a short period of time even if u r busy.
00 Reply- 1 mo
That depends on your relationship, but for me personally, that's not necessary.
00 Reply 3.1K opinions shared on Flirting topic. No, according to me it is not unrealistic.
20 ReplyTo me a text is like an email. Not as impoortant as speaking.
00 ReplyYes, unless you are his whole world he also has a life….
00 Reply- 1 mo
I agree with you
10 Reply Maybe scary especially if you’s aren’t dating. Might be a stalker.
00 Reply- u1 mo
not to me, no... that's actually the norm
00 Reply - 1 mo
I would text everyday.
10 Reply - 1 mo
No it's not I have a few people I text everyday
11 Reply- 1 mo
Good friends do that often
- 1 mo
Yes. Replying is fine.
00 Reply No, not to me..
00 ReplyI am exactly the same
00 Reply326 opinions shared on Flirting topic. Yes it is unreasonable...
00 Reply
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