If a chick is flirting with you then also flirts with your friend
What do u do then
If a chick is flirting with you then also flirts with your friend
What do u do then
That’s not disrespectful. That’s just her flirting with whomever she wants. She’s not committed to you, therefore owes you absolutely nothing.
Besides, why you even sweating it when you could be flirting with other people too. Go flirt with her friend
Ignore her forever.. she isn't nice and doesn't know what good for her
First, I don’t see flirting with two different me as being disrespectful. People who are constantly talking about being “disrespected “ apparently want to be victims and are too thin-skinned for their own good. Grow up and grow some balls.
a) That's not disrespectful. There's no rule that says if someone has flirted with you, she can't also flirt with someone else.
b) Who cares? :D
Walk away. Honestly, it's not like she's the only female in the place.
Also, I don't see why a woman would knowingly flirt with two guys who are friends (or relatives) at the same time. One troublemaker at a time is quite enough.
I remind myself I can always have my daydreams 🧠 and I remind myself "she would've eventually "hurt" me anyhow, emotionally, or somehow wires aren't crossing aka not a good match" 😔
She's generally disrespectful and not actually giving you or anyone the attention she is seeking for herself. Sure she doesn't have to just as she doesn't have to do anything worthy of trust.
Well I would just not expect too much from her and avoid any attachments. Some people flirt with everyone
That they do
I handle disrespect well, its literally the only way im spoken to and treated. God knew I could shoulder hate rejection and isolation therefore the weight of His glory has been seated upon me
Even Satan knew / knows 😉😜 😈😈👿
Cut them off go no contact. I do that with toxic people.
@Kathryn2003 You really think that classifies as toxic?
@AnonAndrew I think so especially if they do it purposely.
@Kathryn2003 Wow, I have never seen such harsh judgment passed on someone being a bit flirtatious! :O
Grow up
We guys often mistake friendliness in women for flirting.
Either you failed and she moved on or she wants both of you or she's a natural flirt
I do not give the person who has disrespected the chance to do it a second time. These are toxic individuals who are not worthy of my time.
Nothing. Like - who cares? There is many fish in the sea.
Hey may I know from where you got that picture?
Walk away is the best approach.
To the tune of "I'm walking away" 🎵🎶
@Hispanic-Cool-Guy you know the lyrics - sing it with me ", I'm walking away : chorus - from the troubles in my life I'm walking Away (yeah backing vocals () something g better day lol" music lol 🎵🎶 lol 😆😆😆 LOL
P. S
I don't own the song lyrics, it's an existing copyright song, lol ©️😂
You can flirt with your friend
move on,