I Am a Proud Animal Rights Activist

I am a proud supporter of veganism I am a happy vegan who wold not give it up for any thing in the world I know that you might not like this post very much because as a vegain I don't support meat eaters just like a homosexual wold not support homophobs, I come to talk peace we can all live without vilonce and fear in the world yet we choose not to it is called flower power I am a firm believer in it. I have wririten this to speak for those who are voiceless, let us fight for the freedom of our brothers and sisters of the earth, I know it probably sounds very hippie dippie but than again so dose this my take.

I Am a Proud Animal Rights Activist

First of all I wold like to talk about how humens are apparently omnevors which is completely in true for gods sake even hippos have canine teeth and they are purly herbevors just like we, along with 75 percent of speeches. And if meat and dairy is so good for us why dose it give so many of us cancer or all these other problomes like obesity and diabeteas? Let us all be lovers lovers of the world and lovers of each other and our planet one love and that's all that's all that we will need, non violence and one love.

I Am a Proud Animal Rights Activist

Many vegans (including me) are shuned away from there friends and family due to them only wanting peace on earth and wanting the world to live as one,we are shamed and judged for our intelligence calling us extremest or calling us natzies if any one are natzies it is non vegains, did you know that the hollacost was designd after the Slater houses for animals? Thats crazy!!

I Am a Proud Animal Rights Activist
I Am a Proud Animal Rights Activist
Post Opinion