7 Reasons Why I Have Never - And Will Never - Touch Alcohol


You may think I'm just a prude and probably I am; I'll always be but I have my reasons as well. It's not that I'm against the idea of having fun, I'm not a party pooper. I just happen to think of the consequences before thinking of instance and here are 7 reasons why I never drink.

1- Fear of Losing Control

7 Reasons Why I Have Never - And Will Never - Touch Alcohol

I never understood why people love losing control. Your brain is basically tuned out, you can't think, you're not different than a wild animal but just more dangerous. You can say things that you don't think and hurt other people's feelings, you can do a lot of illegal stuff and lose people you love. How can you not be afraid of the possibility of ending pregnant (for females) or in jail?

I'm sorry but I'm not willing to ruin my life for two hours of fun.

2- Self respect

7 Reasons Why I Have Never - And Will Never - Touch Alcohol

Most people don't care about this one but I surely don't want to puke on myself, do crazy disgusting stuff that I wouldn't do sober or humiliate myself that way. Even if I was alone, I refuse to act like a crazy psycho on need.

3- The bad smell
7 Reasons Why I Have Never - And Will Never - Touch Alcohol

The few times I encountered alcohol in my life I almost puked or fainted. Sometimes I ask myself, "How can people actually DRINK that?"

4- Health

You may think one or two drinks once in a while won't hurt you but believe me, you'll wish you didn't drink as much when age kicks in. When your skin is darkening and you have digestive problems in your 60's... You'll remember this! Especially for women who will go through menopause. Let's not forget the damage it causes to our nerves and brain.

5- False hopes
7 Reasons Why I Have Never - And Will Never - Touch Alcohol

Alcohol may create the sweet illusion of making all your trouble go away when it's just wasting your time instead of being a real adult and facing life with a hard facade. Alcohol is just a waste of time and money. Because the night you spend drinking and mourning over your loss, will not benefit you in any way, nor make you feel better ( maybe for few hours but after it you'll feel worse)

6- Ruins Good Moments

Having few drinks after you accomplished something or got back with your loved ones may seem like the perfect way to celebrate but this perfect moment may turn very bad due to alcohol, anyone can do some bad things under the influence of this beverage and it'll ruin the moment.

7- Some may lead to more

"I'll just have one drink," she said, and three hours later she was passed out on the bathroom floor.

Even if one cup won't do damage, safe is always better than sorry.

7 Reasons Why I Have Never - And Will Never - Touch Alcohol
7 Reasons Why I Have Never - And Will Never - Touch Alcohol
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