If your partner really really wanted tea but in the time it took you to make it for them they fell dead asleep would you make them drink it still?

If your partner really really wanted tea but in the time it took you to make it for them they fell dead asleep would you make them drink it still?
If your partner really really wanted tea but in the time it took you to make it for them they fell dead asleep would you make them drink it still?
Well i mean they said they wanted it and i know they are asleep now so why not make them drink it anyways? im sure they will like that
I went to all the trouble to make it for them and they do this? im making them drink it!
Tea is very fantastic especially good tea. So ill just go ahead and have them drink it while asleep because i know they will love it anyways
Maybe ill just give them a tiny sip even though they are asleep. They won't mind a tiny sip.
Only if they said 'yes go ahead and feed me tea while im asleep' would i even think about doing so. (although good luck making them swallow it while asleep lol)
Y'know I can just simply wait until they are awake again to give them the tea. i didn't realize how tired they were, wow! I'll just drink the tea by myself. I love tea too
Don't be absurd! if they haven't consented to drinking tea while asleep don't make them drink the damn tea! its that simple! :o
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If your partner really really wanted tea but in the time it took you to make it for them they fell dead asleep would you make them drink it still?
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