Do you like to gobble a long stick of rock?

If you go to a British seaside resort you'll often see people sucking on a long hard one. They come in all shapes and sizes but the traditional long slim stick of rock with the name of the town running through the middle is the most popular. They're usually sold in tacky rock shops and most people here will have childhood memories of the teeth shattering candy that splinters into razor blades if you do manage to bite it.

So, have you sucked a long one on holiday? Has granny ever choked on one? Is it your go to gift to bring back for family? Or do you think it's just plain awful nasty stuff?
Do you like to gobble a long stick of rock?
Do you like to gobble a long stick of rock?
Do you like to gobble a long stick of rock?
Do you like to gobble a long stick of rock?
Do you like to gobble a long stick of rock?
I love rock
I've not had it since childhood
The rock shop visit is a traditional part of our holiday
There's a reason no one buys it at home
I get it as a gift then chuck it in the bin
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Do you like to gobble a long stick of rock?
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