Do you drink soda?

Coke, pepsi, 7 up, RC, Root beer?


This is some nasty swill. Why do people drink it? If you'd like me to save you $100,000 in your lifetime here's some advice. Stop drinking this crap, stop smoking.

There'... you are a lot richer now and you don't have to complain about "billionaires".

Do you drink soda?
Your dentist recommends you ignore this post and keep drinking man made acid water.
Your dentist recommends you ignore this post and keep drinking man made acid water.
I'm drinking MORE soda
I'm drinking LESS and less soda
I don't drink it at all
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26 d
Imagine all the bottles and cans going into the ocean. It's insane what we are doing as higher end monkeys, drinking poison sugar water, discarding our trash into the oceans. What are we... a bunch of media programmed robots?

Time to give up soda except for rare occasions. The challenge is on.
Do you drink soda?
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