5 simple words to end it with a guy or girl set them free?


why can't girls tell guys that they will never ever love them and let them go
My ex girl friend was so against it ,She knows thats why i am around
So im like if this is true you dont have feels for me look me in the eyes and tell me" that i will never love you "
After getting that out of her ,even with her puppy eyes telling me to stop.I got up off the couch and
said i hope you have a fun life Goodbye
Like im free now .no more bullshit,no more me wanting or needing a girl,No more wasting time with on again off again .I can become a civil engineer and live my life and not worry about missing out on the love of my life.
Believe or not all ex's sooner or later must go,so why hold on to them ?Its because your selfish and you hold on to them because it makes you feel better.When i left i saw it in her eyes please dont leave,she kept me in her life because it help her
there's no question here its my opinion ,if you have a friend ,male that likes you and you dont like me back tell him the truth wheither its because he is ugly ,not smart enough (many girls why i didn't date them),or just because there personaitly isn't attractive .So You dont have guys crying about the friendzone or why won't this girl ever look my way.And if you tell him this and he stays leave for him.

i dont blame ya you dont want to hurt him but maybe he will find someone else and won't be your doormate for you feels.This is why im not friends with girls even ones im not attracted to.For all you girls that think guys and girls can be friends look at my ex she fucked everyone of her friends either it took 5 years or 2 weeks it happened.This isn't to state to sit in the friendzone because that girl will be setting for you man dont be a beta bitch.But i know a lot of girls that will wait in a lot of friendzone and not be there doormate and fuck them sooner or later

Ever since i started working out and studying and doing my own thing girls are noticing ,and flirting with me more and more.Guys even if this doesn't happen to you the only reason why we want a girl in our life is for mating.Same for girls but girls want us to protect them and there kids.So is being alone bad ,not at all man its wonderful so dont think just because you can't get a girl ,that you need one or your life is over.Accept your fate and become successful and enjoy life. Become a king

5 simple words to end it with a guy or girl set them free ?

5 simple words to end it with a guy or girl set them free?
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