The Cinderella Lie Girls Are Brainwashed With

The Cinderella lie girls are brainwashed with.

You are more likely to win the lottery ten times in a row then then become a Princess. Yet just about every little girl is brainwashed to believe someday the Cinderella story is obtainable. This is the main reason why so many women grow up going through so many men trying to find that golden ticket. It is sad because so many of these women have amazing hearts however they have this high standard that most men cannot live upto.

50 years ago a couple would meet and get together fall in love. Living a long faithful loving relationship as they going through growing pain together. In no coincidence that ended when the story of Cinderella began.

My parents just happily celebrated 57 years of marriage and have 5 children who all together been married a total of 12 times (so far). The fabric of relationships have changed dramaticly and soceity has all to be blamed. I would say none of us wanted to have a ever revolving relationship career. I would just credit that to the weakness of common sense. Men too are to blame because most men are just simple weak animals that would if given the chance screw anything that spreads. And obviously not every man or woman falls into this catagory. However overall relationships are not valued as they once were. It has nothing to do with choices to choose from but just making poor choices has a dramatic effect of the end result.

My experiance was a shocking discovery of how many girls/women have this false idea of what they are expecting. I always wanted a long loving amazing relationship as I have finally found in my late age. Before this I dated over 25 women. ALL of which became bitter and resented their uneventful dreams. I had love to offer them but that was not good enough. I take some blame for my part of these break ups obviously, however I just did not offer the dreams they had in their fantasy mindsets. I could offer a good looking healthy lifestyle, positive loving attitude, caring sweet and passionate. still not meeting her expectations. Which always confused me because I didn't have the other standard options at the begining either and this was known, although that was the reason for the breakup. Nothing what I did personally had a effect of the end result as the false expectations of their unrealistic dreams.

The Cinderella effect has created the addiction to the first date . Many women have this addiction to everlasting constant dating phase. For a Cinderella Princess this is the closest they get to feeling that dream come true. Why not, they get taken out to dinner at fancy restaurants, flowers, chocolates, gifts, being pined after and hit on and eagerly kissed, everything they say is listened to and agreed,lol.

Then reality settles down and the energy of all those wonderful things slow down to nil, and soon after the relationship ends, weird huh? So she moves on the next guy that is all too eager to repeat her desires. She grows cold to falling inlove because she knows soon that treatment will end and she will need to move on, becoming almost a game.

It is just a sad fact that so many girls are brainwashed that this is what they deserve without effort on their part to accquire. It kills relationships to prosper into any sort of long lasting and tough enough to endure diversity.

Common sense of reality is lost and we need to teach the children growing up that this type of brainwashing is nothing but a frustrated killer of what love has to offer.

Again not every girl/woman has this displaced fantasy thank God. and thank you if you have common sense that life has more to offer then a dream that destroys.

For those that has these charastics, wake up!

The Cinderella Lie Girls Are Brainwashed With
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