To Wear Or Not To Wear Makeup, That Is The Question


I wanted to share myTake on this very popular topic of makeup. A lot of women nowadays wear makeup and there are few who do not. If you're still very young and haven't started wearing makeup, or you wear very little. I know I'm just a stranger and that you have every right to make your own decisons. But in all honesty, you shouldn't wear makeup! It's never too late to flat out just stop wearing it. A lot of girls start at a very young age when they're going through puperty still, when their faces don't look absolutely perfect. And they don't let their bodies develop and just cover up their imperfections. And then end up wearing it everyday for the rest of their lives. Why would any women in their right mind go through the trouble of this tedious task every. single. day.?

I wasn't the prettiest girl in school in middle school and some of high school. And I would wear maybe lipstick and on rare occasions mascara. But I never went as far as chapstick in my everyday wear. I'm one of those girls who decided to not wear makeup. I thought of myself as a beautiful human being, and whoever didn't think that way could shove it! If you don't like my face for the way it is, then fuck you yanno. Even though I had enough confidence to think that of myself, I was still very self concious going through puberty, and got made fun of a lot for things, for example like growing hair on my legs. I'm gonna be honest it may not be easy at all to not wear makeup and look as you do. But years from now it is very very rewarding. Every girl is beautiful and doesn't need makeup to cover up anything.

To Wear Or Not To Wear Makeup, That Is The Question

Other girls just love doing it for fun. But eventually these people in school with you, you're never going to see them again. If you look in the mirror and don't like what you see, there are a lot of people who feel the same way. But that doesn't mean you wearing makeup is going to make you feel beautiful as yourself. But I'm also not saying you can't make your own decisons and fuck it if you wanna wear makeup who am I to say you cannot? I'm just here to put up the argument that wearing makeup is stupid. It's like wearing a mask. You're basically making yourself look like somebody else, and compliments aren't as genuine to your true beauty. They're basically complimenting your makeup.

And guys don't care, well a true gentlemen, a man worth your time will always find you beautiful no matter what. And you know how hot men are, and they don't wear makeup. (well it's not as common for men to if you know what I mean). Your face will become strong and develop as it should without a bunch of rubbish all over your face. If you're still young wearing makeup a lot will make to where you might have to wear makeup for the rest of your life. Because you didn't let your face develop as it should have. Don't be ashamed of yourself, let your true face shine. Why waste your time on something so idiotic? Life is too short to give a shit about what other people think of your face.

To Wear Or Not To Wear Makeup, That Is The Question

And if wearing makeup is really something that makes you feel beautiful. Then so be it! But I'm just saying not wearing it takes a lot of weight off of your shoulders, you have more time in the morning to get ready or sleep in, you don't have to panic about some catastrophy ruining your face, or wasting tons of money on makeup and beauty products, or crying and your mascara running, people will see your real face and even if it takes a bit of time for your face to re-adjust to not wearing makeup. Overall your life will be a lot more carefree and wonderful. And you'd be surprised how people will react. And the ones who don't react in a proper way, then fuck those people!

To Wear Or Not To Wear Makeup, That Is The Question
Post Opinion