The Other Side of Females

I decided to write this myTake because i never ready anything similar and at the same time i see plenty of girls believing that they're actually outsmarting everyone (men and women included) and keep going down that path that they chose thinking it has no consequences and that no one will find out .

I have been a college student for the past 3 years, and during that time i talked to dozens of girls aged 18-25, went out with 12+ girls and dated one or two, i have approached some either face to face or on social media, i have been approached by some as well, i am no casanova but i have experienced a lot in the past few years (including two 3 years of working with girls before school) and decided I should share with all of you what i've learned during the past few years and hopefully spark an interesting argument and hear opinions.

Women are often looked at as feminine, weak, passive, never initiate, aren't sexual, and can't hurt a fly and very emotional and loyal .... is it the truth though ?

since day one i realized right away i attracted the attention of more than few girls in my major, i had 100 girls and 50 guys in my major, i am 6'2, olive tan, black hair, reddish beard and in good shape since i watch what i eat and do cardio often plus i work, i am quite kind and respectful and care a lot about grooming, looking good in fitting clothes and smelling nice and clean, plus being laid back and cool.

as days passed i started talking to girls more and more, or more accurately they started talking to me, almost every girl knew my name despite me not making any effort to get to know them or even know who they were i was just having fun doing my own thing .... yet i still got 3 numbers, countless looks, stares, and even few girls admitted that they thought i would make a great husband cause i am hot and down to earth, even outside of my major i met dozens upon dozens of girls .

The Other Side of Females

"Girls never show you when they like you "

usually when you tell people "she was eyeing me" they laugh at you and brush it off as having something on your face, except that every girl i noticed eyeing me ended up actually liking me and i went out with a lot of these women, of course there are other signs but eye contact remains the number one tactic that girls use, the second probably being getting nervous around you or acting really good like she's an angel even when a moment ago she was doing the opposite of that ... i had girls basically turn around while walking to look at me more than once, others kept staring and sometimes smiling it felt so uncomfortable .

"Girls are so emotional and loyal, more than guys"

Unfortunately this is far from the truth, i aim to be the most decent guy i can and have throughout the years approached countless women that i thought were a good match for me, quiet, nice, kind, cute, shy, not aggressive and overall girls that everyone kept telling me how good they were and would make great gfs .... except that a large portion of these girls turned out taken, one was engaged and for two months never mentioned a thing as we flirted back and forth and expressed interest in each other, another had a serious boyfriend of few years and when i asked about the dude she simply said "he's no one" and a week later we went out. This happened few more times ( not even counting the taken girls who have shown interest in me and were more than ready to do something about it) ... the funny thing is all these girls looked so decent and good and all of them were attractive as in 7/10+, girls that most guys viewed as a catch.

In addition to everything i mentioned, plenty of girls basically had guys in line and claimed to "like" all of them at the same time ...... I have to be honest though the hottest girl i've ever met is very loyal and got engaged a month or so ago, she is one in a million looks wise and is very decent overall, but girls like her seem rare nowadays, especially after what i myself have experienced (and my friends as well had similar experiences).

As for being emotional in a way yes women are ruled by their emotions, but i met a lot of women who thought they could have it both ways, date the rich nice dude who's a keeper while attracting a hot guy to feed off his attention and maybe more. The normal sober, everyday chicks that you don't meet at bars or clubs are looking to secure their future, which means if you're good financially you're good to go, i saw girls dating 300 pounds dudes, girls dating dudes 10 years older, girls dating dudes that they didn't even seem to like, but hey all those dudes had one thing in common : an easy, comfy lifestyle .

The Other Side of Females

"I dont do this for guys and dont care if they like me or not"

Who of us haven't heard this before? or read it somewhere, looks like a trend doesn't it ? women everywhere are claiming nothing they do or wear is to attract men and they couldn't care less about men or what they want ....

I have to disagree though cause after being around girls while putting making and preparing themselves to go out i can safely say that they do care quite a lot about what guys think, not once a girl told me and my friends " you see what we have to go through just so we look attractive for guys" and some even flat out asked us how their butts look and if their clothes look good on them, add to that how furious some women get when men they are interested in don't notice that they got a new hair cut or bought a new dress ... I know that not every man gets to hear this, but i've had the chance to and i can assure you if a woman ever tells you "i don't care how anyone views me" you can be 100% sure she is lying.

the same goes for removing body hair, they aren't exactly excited about doing it but know that if they don't they lose attractiveness points, whether they like it or not men are visual af. If she looks nice we like, if she doesn't we don't like. Love is only a thing months or years later but the first few times you meet her if she doesn't look attractive and clean enough most guys are not gonna try to be with her.

"Women only like bad boys"

I don't agree with that statement, yes some do but usually most aren't so excited about being treated like crap ... however with that being said don't try to be too nice, they don't appreciate it either. I've been there, done that, if you're nice, kind and caring and treat her really good she will take it for granted and as a result will not appreciate your efforts and will soon drift away to find another man that satisfies her emotional cravings ... sad but this is the truth.

every time i act a little too nice it backfires and the girl takes me for granted, when i add a little attitude and become meaner suddenly she is put back in her place and respects me more (a lot of women will tell you it's not true and you were just being clingy and annoying, however that is not the truth) ... i guess its true that women wanna be led, not with force but with assertiveness, show her that you mean what you said and its not just some random BS.

"They never tell the truth or what they want"

I kinda agree that they don't, if you're dating a girl or want to get to know one better she is probably gonna lie a lot and hide some things, but the funny thing is once you talk to a girl you're not interested in dating and she already is dating someone or has no interest in dating you suddenly she is so truthful its shocking.

a lot of girls will just say everything you wanted to know as long as you're not their goal, if they aren't interested in dating you or dating at all they will usually have no problem telling you anything you wanna know. Things that 90% of women are gonna lie about but nope not this chick, not your female classmate who already has a boyfriend, she is already set why hide truths from you?

for example: ask online if a girl would rather have a rich dude or a hot dude, and all of the answers will be "of course the hot dude, money comes and goes, a hot dude who loves me is better" ... in reality though you will find out that money equals love. If you're rich you're more likely to find and keep the girl you want and women aren't shy about it at all. I have been told countless times by girls how they wish to marry a guy with a good job, nice new car, his own house and in good shape ........... its like once telling you is no longer a threat (since she already has a bf) she is more than happy spewing it all out and answering your questions, questions that you never got a straight answer to.

Overall what a lot of men think about women is wrong, and many are interested in keeping these things hidden. I personally find that on average women are smarter than men, but they usually outsmart the inexperienced men who aren't very bright to begin with, yet aim to also con the experienced, smart men and usually it backfires .... a lot of women date mostly naive and dumb men and when they upgrade to a smarter, more intelligent dude are shocked that their tricks and ways don't work as much, and start wondering why it's not working ...well if you upgrade from a standard dude to brad pitt, expect some changes cause brad has seen it all and knows what to expect.

I would say that men and women aren't that different from each other, we are more similar than we think but many fail to realize it. Everyone just lies their way out of arguments and would rather not tell the truth in fear of being judged, but sometimes it's not that hard to find out the truth.

I realize my take is not very nice, but the truth hurts and sometimes you just gotta say it.

The Other Side of Females
Post Opinion