Since women universally claim that the dreaded "incel" is a whiny crybaby and it's not about looks at all but personality, let's see what that implies

All men, whether they want to lie about it or not, know that it's always about looks for women...women here have confirmed it.....but when those men who chafe at being treated as inferior just because they were not born attractive dare complain they are labeled as "whiny crybabies"

How about we use that definition fairly?

1 All women who post here about not being wanted are incels and thus whiny crybabies

Women don't want to be sexist right?

2 Since women claim that's all about attitude and personality but often fuck attractive guys with bad personalities/attitude, how about we just admit that those women are just lying?

3 Incels, since women "only date men with good personalities and attitudes", the next time you see a woman getting her ass beaten by Mr Great Personality (often with her fluids still on him) don't intercede because he can't be in the wrong because he has a great personality.

4 When one of those superior guys (who just happens to always be hot) rapes his girlfriend or wife, he must be released because he obviously didn't do it because of she said he has a great personality unlike the dirty incels.

5 Women should explain their superhuman ability to know a man's entire personality after looking for 3 seconds because if a man was to reject a fat woman and claimed the same thing, then the same women who hate incels so much would be enraged......since when men do it, they are shallow but women "just know"

6 And finally ladies (for now) Justify how you will claim to be right but will only be able to resort to attacking (much like Trumptards) instead of just explaining your view since I am obviously wrong in your eyes

life at GaG
life at GaG
Since women universally claim that the dreaded "incel" is a whiny crybaby and it's not about looks at all but personality, let's see what that implies
Post Opinion