My long distance girlfriend made out with a shemale? what do you make out of this? What would you do if you were in my place?

I've known my girlfriend (C) (30 y. o, im 27) since March, met her over fb. She's bipolar and lives in a special care house, and a new resident came a month and a half ago and it's a shemale (M) and they soon became friends. 4 days ago they went to a bar after midnight and she said (M) dared her to kiss her, and they did. She was high on 7 pills of "low dose" Ritalin and had "3 drinks" at the bar and also high on weed. came back home like 5am and made out in her room for "20 mins". she said she thought it wasn't that bad coz (M) is girl and just wanted to see if she's a good kisser, and touched her dick out of curiousity to see her dick head, Also she admitted liked it, said "it was nice", and also said it's "bigger than most of the guys she's been with"
and (M) begged her to have sex and she said no, she "didn't wanna go past kissing"
i got so mad and she tried to assure me that there was nothing sexual about it and that she loves me and apologized.
There's another story I should mention, the second month we've been together she said that it's been almost a year since she'd had sex and she talked to a "friend" of hers about having sex, with no strings attached and asked for permission RIGHT AFTER THEY HAD AGREED TO MEET RIGHT AWAY. She claimed that it wasn't planned, completely "spontaneous". said they talked about it 3 weeks ago as a joke, then agreed they'd meet up before telling me anything about it. Anyway i had to be ok with it because I didn't feel like i have the right to say no to her, and honestly i was hoping she'd end up with him but she insisted that she loves me, i felt like a cuckold after still loving her after that. anyway
the next day after the making out. they spent the night at her room (my gf's) and she texted me "(C) said to ask you if we could have sex"
obviously I said no, then she told me how she was all over her begging and running her hands over her arms and legs and pulling out her dick wiggling it at her, and she was refusing to have sex
+1 y
She says she never ever wanted to have sex with (M) and whatsoever.. I don't believe her.. but I'm just a lonely guy suffering depression and social anxiety and I will admit, I feel less depressed with her.. we're both "crazy" each in his own way..
But these recent events had me questioning everything. I really wish she'd find someone else and be with him and just let me down and get it over with..
Anyway thanks for your andwers, I just wanted someone to talk to about it.
My long distance girlfriend made out with a shemale? what do you make out of this? What would you do if you were in my place?
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