Why do a lot of girls exhibit submissive behavior then deny it when called submissive?

-Softly negotiate and accomodate to there boyfriend instead of asserting.
-Accomodate everyone.
-Like taller men
-Prefer male bosses to female bosses
-When boyfriend talks in assertive voice usually go with it
-Asks nicely for a male to stop being overprotective of them or "i can tak care of myself indepwndantlty" yet doing it ina submissive way and sometimes yielding to the guy jf he was rifht to be protective
-Protect there boyfriend from there dad when her dad js jusf bejng protextive
-Get mad at boyfriend for punching guy friend when he disrespected her a lot and the guy frjend does rhe same thing for her girlfriend
-Are understanding and accomodating when u do them wrong
-Complains when dude doesn't do the big thing
Feel free to disagree with any of these i listed
Why do a lot of girls exhibit submissive behavior then deny it when called submissive?
6 Opinion