What to do if you accidentally didn’t wave back at someone waving at you?

So one time, at the beginning of the college semester, I accidentally waved at a stranger (a girl) who I thought was a friend of mine. And it was so nice of her to wave back and I thought she was really cool. It was just that I didn’t really remember how she looked like since she was wearing a mask and all. Today, while I was in line to wait for my coffee, I saw a girl waving at my direction. I didn’t know her but she looked familiar. I didn’t also know if she was waving at me so I looked behind me and saw other people but they weren’t waving back. And so I just left without waving back at her. And only when I left, I remembered that it might’ve been the stranger that I waved to at the beginning of my college semester. I feel so bad about that and I hope she doesn’t think I was being rude. The only thing is I don’t remember how she looked like so I’m not sure if I’ll even get to say hi to her the next time I see her... what shouldn’t do?
What to do if you accidentally didn’t wave back at someone waving at you?
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