Girls, have you ever met a guy you liked with some clear issues and thought ‘i can fix him’? And guys have women ever tried to ‘fix’ you?

Girls, have you ever met a guy you liked with some clear issues and thought ‘i can fix him’? And guys have women ever tried to ‘fix’ you?

And by ‘fix’ i mean trying to help resolve their issues or change them into a better person in your mind anyways.

Yes i have at one time knew a guy i liked and thought i could fix him
No i have never thought that before
Im a guy and a girl has tried to ‘fix’ me before
Im a guy and no girl has tried to ‘fix’ me
Im perfect and therefore need no fixing!
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Girls, have you ever met a guy you liked with some clear issues and thought ‘i can fix him’? And guys have women ever tried to ‘fix’ you?
Post Opinion