How can I cut off my feelings for my coworker who talks to my friend and craves attention?


I started work back in July 2022 and I met a very attractive girl who also started the same day. I thought she was gorgeous. Being at a tech company, there's very few girls, let alone pretty girls, and she gets a LOT of attention She also says things like "she always gets whatever she wants" and "she can do whatever she wants" and doesn't take accountability of these sorts of things. However, I thought our relationship was different and I contiued to pursue her.

One day we worked from home together at my place and it was very cute. A couple weeks later we ended up having sex, and I enjoyed it but didn't find it as romantic as I had hoped. Hangign at work was now stressful. I would consult my coworker- let's call him Brad- about the situation.

I eventually told her I wanted to be friends for now but I still like her and am insanely attracted to her. I felt a little better, but as this was going down she begins befriending Brad. He asked her to come over to which she declined. She then told me that it was nothing and nothing would ever come of it. At this time they are ssnapchatting and talking a lot more.

While she was gone on vacation I decided I would try ghosting her for my own benefit. She asked me to go to a dinner with a big group in a few weeks, including Brad, and I said I didn't wanna go. The truth is I don't wanna play bachelorette with this guy. I also stopped snapping her and eventually she sent me a sad face with a ":(" caption. I felt bad but I wanted to keep my distance. I was excited to see her this morning when she got back. Just now, I saw her and Brad hop in his new sports car and drive off. A part of me just died.

What do I do? She seems to be an attention whore. I don't like how it makes me feel and I sorta wanna cut them all off. Should I ghost her completely, cut off Brad, try to tell her how I feel, go to the dinner, tell my manager what's been going on? Most importantly, I don't want this to affect my work enviornment.

How can I cut off my feelings for my coworker who talks to my friend and craves attention?
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