Ex-girlfriend says it would be nice to see me?

I’ll try make this concise. My ex broke up with me about 5/6 months ago after a short but really intense relationship. Neither of us were at our best, and I certainly did things I regret, but things that we could have spoken about. I was devastated when we broke up, and made it clear to her how we could have easily worked on things, but she replied with the standard lines. When she initially broke up with me, she said stuff like “ill probably regret this”, “people break up and get back together all the time”, “i need space”. But I just said once you’re done you’re done, and we haven’t spoken since. Our friendship groups are loosely tied, but we haven’t had any shared social occasions since the break-up until this weekend, we have a friends birthday (I’m not actually going). Since the break-up I’ve improved my life exponentially, I have a great new job, I’m hitting the gym, and I’m running. I ran a half-marathon at the weekend, got a great time (she probably saw mutual friends stories), and that same evening she messaged me to say she’s wanted to reach out for a while. It was a long message, about wanting to check how things were with me, and how things should be approached for social occasions. She also said “heard you smashed your half, congrats”. I replied concisely: “Don’t worry about it, things will be fine, don’t want you stressing about that”. And left it at that, she then replied saying it will be nice to see me, and that she’ll probably see me at the weekend (again, im not going). I didn’t reply, I couldn’t be bothered, I’m past wanting her back. This girl historically cuts all ties with her exes. She blocks them and doesn’t speak to them again. She didn’t do that with me, she left the door open. Is she just extending friendship (which I feel is unlike her), or is she doing it for her ego? Does she miss me? I’m trying to take it at face value, her being sweet, but I feel like a message wasn’t really necessary.

Ex-girlfriend says it would be nice to see me?
Post Opinion