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- 1 mo
I agree with the latter two, though the first point I kinda disagree.
Women are the people capable of giving the world children, and if we didn't then humanity would die out. So unless you are an extreme anti-natalist who wants humanity to commit collective suicide, we do kind of owe it to ourselves to continue the species
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- 1 mo
Because some people (not going to name any groups) believe that a woman’s purpose is to have children and service men. You know those groups, they tend to think that women are property, that women that speak their mind are feminist, and that white equals right.
30 Reply
What Girls Said
I think it’s stupid.
nobody actually cares if a woman wants to have a family or not, there a bunch others that do.
the only ones that are likely to care are your parents because they likely want grandchildren. Some people don’t care about that.I as a woman I owe myself a baby and I owe my baby a loving caring family.
people that complain about this like the photo you posted, are frankly annoying. No one cares if someone wants to stay alone. Everyone has enough problems of their own to care. Like I said the only ones likely to care are your parents if anyone at all.
10 Reply- 1 mo
Because it's a polarization. It's a reaction to how women have been treated throughout history (as property for one purpose; to provide offspring that carries the man's name forward).
I think most women are smart enough to understand that if we stopped making babies, humanity will go extinct...
00 Reply - Anonymous(18-24)1 mo
We're asking the same question you are, bud. The people who have a problem with that are mostly men. Ask them what their issue is. In the end, it's likely all underlined by misogyny, but there's still a train of thought behind it all, and I can't tell you what that train of thought is.
10 Reply - 1 mo
That is so true n nobody should have problem with tht
10 Reply The other gender would give you a better answer to this.
10 Reply- 1 mo
I don’t know, maybe they want society and civilization to continue ¯\_(ッ)_/¯
00 Reply I don't think women have issue with this. Do men?
00 Reply6K opinions shared on Girl's Behavior topic. In my circle of people noone has a problem with this.
00 Reply- Anonymous(45 Plus)1 mo
Probably easier to ask the individuals with this problem. It's not a broad spectrum issue.
00 Reply - 1 mo
I don't know. I'm just a potato sir.
20 Reply 6K opinions shared on Girl's Behavior topic. Who has a problem with this?
01 Reply1.2K opinions shared on Girl's Behavior topic. No idea.
10 Reply- 1 mo
Cause I feel that’s all we’re good for.
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