Me personally is their ability to impregnate us and make children without any effort. Like some superpower to create their own little kingdom.
And men being stronger than us.
Me personally is their ability to impregnate us and make children without any effort. Like some superpower to create their own little kingdom.
And men being stronger than us.
It actually does take effort because a man first has to convince a woman to want to be with him in the first place. Then he ought to prove himself to her over the course of a relationship and then ask her to marry him.
And as a married man (and a father) myself, I can tell you that this superpower of creating a child is mutual. If anything, the woman's role throughout the pregnancy is more impressive because she grows the baby inside her, feeds the baby with her own body, and give birth to the baby. But still, you can't take the man out of the equation. Again, it's mutual.
Now with all that being said, women should envy nothing about men, nor men feel envious for women. As I say every time some question or discussion about transgenderism, gender neutrality, or whatever comes up, men and women each have unique gifts, talents, and abilities to offer each other, their families, and their societies. Neither should desire to be the other. They should embrace their own respective natures and LOVE the same.
Now that's a Damn good question.
I suppose its not having mensuration cycles and not getting pregnant and not getting creeped on when walking alone outside.
Age and fertility
I look extremely young and awesome really, not bragging just the truth, but even when I look younger than most 25 year old men and women, older men than me are still more fertile than me supposedly according to studied but really I start not to believe them so much since so many older women are having perfectly good healthy babies today..
but in case that’s just more common coincidence, then that’s the only thing I envy about men. They have more time even if they look more awful than me lol or older in a bad way
Other than that I love being a woman. I love the male body so being a woman is a great!
No rotating hormones. No monthly intense pain or large sudden periods. (That lovely horrific pouring feeling when you get up in the morning they really should experience just once) The ability to be heard when you have issues you present in a professional without being labeled regardless just because of gender. Their clothes are made with better quality materials and cheaper. They still get paid better. They can actually fit their hands in and carry objects in their pockets. And I want a damn dick too. 😏
nothing... I really enjoy being a woman... I don't need physical strength... and without women, they wouldn't have kids... so... :D
I love the way we complement each other... I love the way we can make things work by sharing different strengths and how we can make ourselves stronger by supporting each other...
but I definitely could use an additional inch or two... :D
And kekegels
their behavior is less scrutinized
they aren't shamed for aging and considered useless after a certain age
they can have kids without ever being pregnant
they have an easier time succeeding professionally/financially
no periods
they're not reduced to their looks as much
There was this quote in Altered Carbon novel by Richard K. Smith
"Women are the race. No two ways about it. Male is a mutation with more muscle and half the nerves. Fighting, fucking machines."
That single men don't seem to struggle as much as women to survive with reasonable ease.
That it seems men are presumed to be to be the stronger within the corporate world and find it much easier to rise into command positions.
We just suffer in silence more. As for the corporate ladder, only a very small percentage of men make it, and that's down to assertiveness and disagreeableness for the most part. I read somewhere that when women are given assertiveness training, they outperform most men too.
men are taller, stronger, their voice is deeper with more authority, they are more dominant and their clothes are more comfortable
Nothing at all. I work with men all day long and most friends are male, and I would hate to have been born male.
They’re less likely to be sexually harassed, not worrying about being pregnant after having sex, they lose weight faster than us women. No fair lol!
The picture GAG picked for this question is pretty much it. Their physical strength.
Not having periods and care less about own looks
Man with a more beautiful body than i
Bigger arms expressive facial features Rosy skintone
Life is designed for men. That's all I envy them for.
With a higher rate of suicide, homicide and homelessness, life is indeed design for men. (Sarcasm)
Who do you think that causes?
^ causes that
So you're still ignorant? Its, simple, humanity. Our brains are not hardwired to sympathize men. Men had always been the disposable once ever since humanity begun all because we don't have the power to give birth and raise children like you do so we are expected to be useful in different ways even if it means risking our lives. That's why men don't have value unless they provide something. Women are naturally design to be safeguarded while men are naturally designed to be disposed because a ratio of more women than men have a better chances of repopulating than vice versa because a single woman can only give birth for a few times in her life while a single man can impregate hundreds of girls at a time. So who do you think causes that? Because it seems like you think you know anything.
Sure it's partly men to be blamed because we are a part of society but when I mean humanity I mean both men and women.
And the cause of why society is built by men is also because of humanity. Since you women don't face the same pressure as men do, you don't have to be slaves, and to fight your way to leadership and to take big risks which is our reason why a lot of men end up becoming homeless. It's very clear that all you see is men being leaders, businessmen, politicians and other stuff but you don't see what they have to go through to have that position which is also what some of those unlucky homeless men went through. Before you whine about women facing a lot of discriminations in those fields, you may just have no idea about how many times those men just get discriminated but they have no other choice but to just keep going and going because they have no one to cry on. It's just a competitive world out there and you're not the only ones competing. Lucky you you don't even have to compete. You can still be attractive without having a six figure income.
Just because you're upset about my statement, doesn't mean I cannot understand another's perspective. So please don't put any words in my mouth or pretend I'm oblivious or ignorant to what you're saying.
I'm just answering your question. You don't have to ask if you're not ignorant.
And if you think I'm upset about your statement then you sound like you're just upset with men.
You're not just answering my question. You're literally writing how "I am thinking" as "it's very clear that all you see XYZ". Like I said, don't put words in my mouth and pretend I'm ignorant to the rest.
Uhm, no. It really isn't. If you only look at a small percentage of successful men you would think so, but not so for the average man. It's always fascinating to get the experiences of FtM transgender people on this one. They're often surprised how basically nobody gives a flying dump about them once they pass as male. Dating is vastly harder for the average man than it is for the average woman too, and then there's the risk of divorce and the court bias, and the general assumption that life must be easier for you just because you're a man. Women have struggles, but so do men. Women's struggles are talked about a LOT because of 50-odd years of Feminism, and mens are not. As a woman, do you fear that if you try asking out a co-worked that you're going to end up dealing with HR and a losing your job? Do you fear that if you end up in a violent and abusive relationship the police will believe your abusive partner and arrest you? There's so much more than you'd ever guess. It's worth asking ChatGPT to detail more on the subject, just to get a little window into that one.
These days, for most men and women, it's roughly equivalent. Beware of "patriarchy theory", it's reductionist to the point of implicit misandry, though not entirely invalid as a theoretic lens for examining history (it's not a binary true or false).
I hate the fact that they can do whatever they want and sleep peacefully without feeling guilty... Plus they can fuck and not be called slutt
The posts by the split tails on this question makes me. 😂
They have a lower-maintenance body.
I never envied anything, only admired.
Not having a period or and able stand at times.
@Zentraya You are a sweet girl.
"Without any effort" BS
You're clearly forgetting that child support and family court biases exists.
@SleepingHazard for blocking me, I'll just simply reply here.
You don't like to hear the truth that's why you claim I'm not answering your question. To put it simply, I answered human nature is the cause only I elaborated. Of course it's clear because what else would you think life is designed for men? You just simply think we have it so easy which is what you envy.
@incorrected I'll just have to warn you that she's going to block you for speaking facts
Fuckkk no
Their brotherhood 🤩
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