Confidence: Your Best Accessory

I cannot tell you how many times I've seen a cute girl in public that completely ruined her look by looking scared and had no confidence in herself or her beauty.

Let me give you an example. Once at my old job at a coffee shop, a group of 3 girls, around 17 came in. All 3 were attractive, one was especially pretty.

There was one problem. The prettiest girl looked totally unsure of herself. She kept fidgeting... touching her hair, crossing and uncrossing her arms, tugging her shirt, and looking down nervously. I was utterly confused. Here was this beautiful girl, whose mannerisms made her look like a complete mess!
"No matter how beautiful you are, confidence is always key."

Ironically, a group of 3 guys came in a few minutes later and they looked about the same age as the group of girls. After they ordered they sat a table near the girls, ready to talk to them. When they finally made their approach, the two other girls looked up smiling and willing to talk to them. The third girl smiled nervously and tugged at her hair and shirt. Long story short, as I observed, I noticed the guys didn't talk to the third girl much. She was too preoccupied with herself. They exchanged numbers with the other girls and smiled politely and the third, then left.

Moral of the story: No matter how beautiful you are, confidence is always key.

Clothing is a big part of feeling confident. Even if someone is wearing the latest style, if they don't feel comfortable in it or it doesn't fit like they want, they wont be able to fully enjoy the way they look, thus exuding the wrong vibe.

  • Wear clothing that fits well and makes you feel good. Being in style is important, but feeling good in the clothing is even more important.

  • Posture portrays all. Slumped over with crossed arms oozes invisibility. Stand up straight. Shoulders back. Hair off your face, preferably behind your back.

  • A sexy way to show skin is to show shoulders and neck, not too much cleavage! That gives the wrong idea. Shoulders and neck are sexy. Wear heels. If you can't walk in them, by all means.. DON'T. I wear heels every day almost, unless I'm at the gym. I've had a lot of practice. Wear shoes that makes you walk straight and tall.

The set of your eyes, jaw, lips, and arms are very important body language.

  • Keep eyes forward. Shifty eyes or constantly looking down makes you look scared. Make sure jaw is relaxed. Lips can't be pursed tightly, but make sure your mouth doesn't hang open. Keep it relaxed. If you're really an expert, create a signature facial expression... make sure it's not too mean or even too friendly! My signature relaxed expression is a smile in my eyes and the SLIGHTEST I mean SLIGHTEST smirk on my face, barely visible, but ever-present just the same.

  • If you have a purse, one hand could be holding it or holding the strap over your shoulder. Let the other dangle, not monkey-ish, but natural. I know the arms are a hard thing to master, even for me. Make sure arms are not crossed! This makes you seem unapproachable and rude.

How to appear confident
  • Wear clothing that fits
  • Stand up straight
  • Don't show TOO much skin
  • Keep a relaxed facial expression
  • Uncross your arms
If you don't have confidence... fake it. In the end putting on a show will eventually give you the real confidence you desire.

These tips will guaranteed get you noticed. And once they do, make sure you know how to follow up! If you notice a cute guy looking your way, acknowledge it! Usually I give a slight smile and a head nod. Sometimes if I'm in a really good mood, I wink.

True beauty comes from the inside. A girl with confidence is sexy. As long as you have a beautiful personality and confidence, you'll be a stunner, I promise.
Confidence: Your Best Accessory
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